Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Uncle Nalts...Nalts
he sometimes gets really insightful

Do the Hoaxy Poky!

Well, the Heenes have really had some fun and gotten into a lot of trouble huh?

With them pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, does it make you mad? Well, you should be. This was a hoax not done for entertainment purposes, but for selfish reasons. If it were for entertainment then, the family should have contacted the authorities to let them know what they were up to. However, the authorities were the last to be told after the media. This is not the way to behave.

Many people on Youtube should take note of this incident so that they will not attpempt something as stupid and find themselves in trouble too.

what are your thoughts?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Texas Tech University Basketball

these girls do such a great job. thanks to firefightrsgal22 for sharing this with me.

it makes me feel proud to be an American!


I spend my mornings getting my two kids and myself ready for the day. Then I watch tv... mostly the Today Show. I find that show to be very personable and a good source of information in the morning.

I also check my email at home and get updated on some Youtube videos that I subscribe to.

Mornings can be a little rough sometimes if I don't get a good night's sleep. I have worked 3rd shift for almost 2 years now and sleeping through the night can be somewhat tiresome, but I am slowly adjusting during my layoff.

So, what about you? How do you spend your morning?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healthcare Reform

What are your thoughts on healthcare reform?

I believe that the American healthcare industry must be reformed by regulating cost to consumers. Healthcare should be affordable to any and all citizens of the USA. I believe that the healthcare industry has passed on its costs to the paying consumer unfairly while following guidelines to give away healthcare to those who can not afford it and cannot be turned away.

I do not believe that the government should run the healthcare industry in this country. I do not believe that the government should run the health insurance program for those who can not at this time afford healthcare. Healthcare should be free only to those in need of such assistance and should be regulated to protect the everyday consumer.

What are your thoughts, opinons and ideas?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Meeting at the Mailbox - Episode 3

i began this video forum and am hoping to spark converstation to other youtubers online through comments and video responses.

Feel free to visit my youtube channel: www.youtube.com/aarongrubbworm
and comment or video respond on any and all my videos!

My eCompliments.com contest entry

I did not win this contest, but i did have fun making this for my wife and I hope that it encourages you to compliment those you care about!

A Loan!?
I was recently given a sum of cash money. Who wouldn't say, 'yipee' to that?

After I had counted it and discussed the purpose of the given money I was told, 'you can pay that back whenever you can.'

Pay it back? Wait a minute, you can not give a person money and discuss why you are giving a person money and then after the money is given, counted and appreciated say, 'it's a loan.'

Now, I am unsure what to do with this money. I really don't find it to be an investment in me that will generate enough to pay this money back in a timely manner. What are your thoughts? Have you ever loaned someone money they couldn't pay back? Have you ever been in this same situation? What to do, what to do?


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spencer loves to sing... after this fiasco we bought some sing-along cd's.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Do I Affect My Unemployment Benefits?

Good Day to You,
i was laid off on Friday and now am temporarily out of my full time job. However, i started working part time at Sagebrush Steakhouse 3 weeks ago and they have some more work for me to do. It will not be full time, but it will be more than just the weekends.

My question is how does that affect my full time unemplyment benefits?

My thoughts are that it shouldn't because i still am out of that job for 3 weeks (or more). I can understand that finding work in the meantime is good, but does it hurt me in the long run? I don't understand how this all works, but i would much rather be working than just sitting around the house collecting back my taxes that i will have to pay back in taxes for the rest of my life and my children's lives and my grandchildren...

I am willing to do what it takes, and take what I do.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Barak Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize!!!???!!!

congratulations, i guess? according to AP President Barak Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

He is apparently winning a prize that he has done nothing by way of action only talk. It doesn't even seem logical, but whatever. Let's give it to him, maybe he will do something other than push for more money for more things like saving the American...oh wait, never mind. He is reaching out to Muslims not Americans.

what do you think?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Blog

I just got laid off temporarily from my full-time machine shop job. It will only be for 3 weeks, but it is still a big deal.

What are we going to have to do as a country to pull ourselves out of this mess? Maybe, probably hopefully we will turn to our Creator, the Lord God Almighty.

He will provide, protect and keep. Thankfully!