Monday, November 16, 2009

Keeping Up in a Down Economy

Keeping up with the Jone's, Burton's, Husein's, McCockerin's or anyone else is not happening here. (ooh, that's a nice tv, I must have one...RESIST!!!)

I am laid off from work, the income is not as rich as it once was, but that doesn't mean I have to get depressed and it deffinitely doesn't mean i can go buy whatever I want either.

I simply need to learn to be content with where I am, with what I have and remember that God is in control and providing for my every need. This means that if my credit card payment isn't there, that I have to take an honest look at my purchases that have built up my CC debt to see if everything was a need or a want.

Honesty is the best policy. Right?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Maintaining A Blog

Keeping up with discussions and trends in the web industry is not so easy. Finding what people want to talk about and remaining real is a strong and difficult balance. Some web personalities have put themselves out there and their videos, family, discussions, skits, music, etc. have caught such a large following that it almost doesn't even matter what they put out there. People will follow along with it.

The thing I find most difficult is finding which way I am going with Youtube, Tangle, this blog, etc. I want to express myself and entertain web-goers as well. The how-to, when-to and what-to do's are not so easy to figure out, but I will keep on trying!

Thanks for reading along. Have a great and godly day.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Solutionized IT

this is a video contest entry
go to my Youtube HOMEPAGE and scroll down to the bottom. enter into the smackdown group website and vote for my video!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lashes to Riches Entry: AARON GRUBBS

every comment and rating counts
one comment per day

share with family and friends because this is huge.
thank you